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Pavel Ermakov

React-native is not for everyone. While it is fairly simple to create a simple api consumer app, it becomes really hard to implement something a bit more complex.

Moreover, react-native depends a lot on third-party modules that are barely supported. You either have to beg the maintainer to update the package, or learn the native languages and implement the functionality yourself. It is a pity that the react-native team doesn't support those packages themselves.

Regarding the code reusability, what may work on ios may not work or be available on android. In my company our react-native app's code is filled with comments, such as "Workaround for ios/android". Usually there is a workaround, but it takes time to find or implement it, which slows down the development.

As for the fast refresh, I was excited for it as well, but after a test drive I have realized that nothing has changed. It still works poorly and caused emulator to freeze or even crash. They went even further and removed the live reload, which was more pleasant to use.

Indeed, react-native is a good choice for simple apps in small-medium companies, but the tech giants are not keen on investing their time and money on it. Some of the listed companies have switched back to native apps, e. g. Airbnb. The others don't have a complete react-native app, but rather embed it in one of their native screens.

As for me, i had both good and bad experiences with react-native. It was easy to get started. I had a lot of fun building UI. However, after a few years of usage, my company is attempting to switch to native apps and I am looking forward to it. I think that that the purpose of react-native was to solve a particular internal problem within the facebook dev team, and after a while they decided to open-souce it to see how people react to it.

I my opinion, google's flutter is a much better option right now. Some of the listed issues apply to it as well, but It feels like google is putting a lot more efforts in supporting its product than facebook.