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Pavan Madduru
Pavan Madduru

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Revolutionising the Assembly line-AI Computer Vision

Remote manufacturing using AI computer vision algorithms has the potential to revolutionise the way products are made by automating and streamlining the manufacturing process and enabling companies to operate more efficiently.

Summary of the benefits and limitations of remote manufacturing using AI computer vision algorithms

Future outlook and potential developments in the field

Remote manufacturing using AI computer vision algorithms has the potential to enhance the efficiency and automation of the manufacturing process significantly. By leveraging the capabilities of these technologies, companies can reduce labour costs, overcome the challenges of access to skilled labour, and improve quality control.

I. Problems in the manufacturing industry

One of the main problems facing the manufacturing industry is the high labour cost. As wages continue to increase, companies are seeking ways to reduce labour costs in order to remain competitive. The availability of skilled labour can also be limited, particularly in specific regions or sectors. Companies need help finding the personnel required to operate production lines effectively, and maintaining quality control can also be a challenge, as manual inspection processes can be time-consuming and prone to human error.

II. Market research

There is a growing demand for automation in the manufacturing industry as companies seek to reduce costs and improve efficiency. AI and computer vision technologies have the potential to play a significant role in this trend, as they can automate various tasks and processes, such as inspection and quality control. Market research suggests that the adoption of these technologies is increasing, with companies recognising the potential cost savings and efficiency improvements they can offer.

III. Solutions in the market

Several remote manufacturing solutions using AI and computer vision are currently available. These solutions typically involve using specialised equipment, such as cameras and sensors, which integrate into the manufacturing process. The data collected by these devices analyse by AI algorithms, which can identify patterns and defects and make recommendations for improvement.

While these solutions have the potential to bring significant benefits, there are also potential limitations and challenges to consider. For example, the initial costs of implementing these systems may be high, and there may be a learning curve for companies as they become accustomed to using them. Additionally, there is the potential for errors or biases introduced by the AI algorithms, which could impact the quality of the final product.

IV. Architecture and design with sample code

The architecture of a remote manufacturing system using AI computer vision typically consists of several vital components. These may include sensors and cameras to collect data, a network for transmitting this data to a central location, and a server or cloud-based system for analysing the data. The computer vision algorithms and models used in these systems recognise patterns and defects in the data and make recommendations based on this analysis.

o Data collection: The code may include functions for collecting data from sensors and cameras using the network and sending it to Azure storage services such as Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage.

import as azureblob

Connect to Azure Blob Storage to upload image data

storage_account_name = "storage_account_name"

storage_account_key = "storage_account_key"

container_name = "container_name"

blob_service = azureblob.BlockBlobService(account_name=storage_account_name, account_key=storage_account_key)

Collect data from sensors and cameras

sensor_data = collect_data_from_sensors()

camera_data = collect_data_from_cameras()

Upload data to Azure Blob Storage

blob_service.create_blob_from_text(container_name, "sensor_data.txt", sensor_data)

blob_service.create_blob_from_text(container_name, "camera_data.jpg", camera_data)

o Data analysis: The code may include functions for analysing the data using Azure Machine Learning services, such as training and deploying computer vision models. It may also use Azure Cognitive Services, such as Computer Vision and Custom Vision, to analyse images and extract information.

import as cv

from import models

Train a custom vision model using the uploaded data

training_key = "training_key"

trainer = cv.CustomVisionTrainingClient(training_key)

project = trainer.create_project("project_name")

Add images and labels to the project

with open("image1.jpg", "rb") as image_contents:

trainer.create_images_from_data(,, [tag1, tag2])
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Train the model

iteration = trainer.train_project(

trainer.publish_iteration(,, "iteration_name", prediction_resource_id)

o Decision-making: The code may include functions for making recommendations based on the analysis, such as identifying patterns or defects in the data and adjusting to the manufacturing process accordingly. These functions may use Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Event Hubs, or Azure Notification Hubs to process the data in real-time and trigger actions.

import azure.eventhub as azureeh
import json

Connect to Azure Event Hub to receive data

event_hub_connection_string = "event_hub_connection_string"
event_hub_name = "event_hub_name"
event_hub_client = azureeh.EventHubClient.from_connection_string(event_hub_connection_string, event_hub_name)

Receive data and make decisions

event_data = event_hub_client.receive()
for event in event_data:
event_json = json.loads(event.body_as_str())
if event_json["label"] == "defect":
# trigger an alert or stop the production line
elif event_json["label"] == "good":
# continue production
o Data visualisation: The code may also include functions for visualising the data using Azure Power BI or Azure Databricks for further insights.

Create a new report

report = power_bi_client.reports.create(power_bi_workspace_id, {
"name": "Manufacturing_report",
"datasets": [
"name": "Manufacturing_data",
"tables": [
"name": "Sensor_data",
"columns": [
{"name": "timestamp", "dataType": "datetime"},
{"name": "value", "dataType": "double"}
"name": "Camera_data",
"columns": [
{"name": "timestamp", "dataType": "datetime"},
{"name": "label", "dataType": "string"}

Add a new visual to the report

visual = power_bi_client.visuals.create(, {
"visualType": "lineChart",
"table": "Sensor_data",
"columns": {
"x": {"column": "timestamp"},
"y": {"column": "value"}

The above code uses the Azure Power BI SDK to connect to Azure Power BI, creating a new report named "Manufacturing_report" along with a unique visual. The visual is a line chart that represents sensor data over time, with the x and y columns representing timestamp and value, respectively. This code can be used to create several types of visualisations depending on the requirement and data available.

o Security: The code may include functions for implementing security protocols to protect the data at rest and in transit. Azure Key Vault may be used to manage keys and secrets, Azure AD for authentication and authorisation, and Azure Policy for compliance and governance.

import azure.keyvault as azurekv

import azure.identity as azureid

Connect to Azure Key Vault

key_vault_name = "key_vault_name"

credentials = azureid.DefaultAzureCredential()

key_vault_client = azurekv.KeyVaultClient(credentials)

Store a secret

key_vault_client.set_secret(key_vault_name, "secret_name", "secret_value")

Retrieve a secret

secret = key_vault_client.get_secret(key_vault_name, "secret_name", "")

Use the secret for authentication


The above code uses the Azure Key Vault SDK to connect to Azure Key Vault, stores a secret, retrieves a secret, and uses it for authentication. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) can be used for authentication and authorisation, and Azure Policy for compliance and governance.

Keep in mind that this is just an example; the actual implementation may vary depending on the specific requirements of the system. Also, this is sample code and may require additional error handling and testing before use in production.

Designing these systems requires an account of several key considerations. These may include the specific manufacturing processes and tasks the system uses, the type of data it collects, and the desired level of automation. Other factors to consider are the system's scalability and its compatibility with existing manufacturing equipment and infrastructure.

The architecture of a remote manufacturing system using AI computer vision typically consists of several vital components, as above.

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