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What do you use for a website quickie?

Pacharapol Withayasakpunt on March 19, 2020

Do you use a CLI, such as Vue CLI, create-react-app? Do you use document.querySelectorAll or related methods? Do you use a CSS framework, such as ...
bendman profile image
Ben Duncan • Edited

For something quick I usually start building something on an online editor, that way I start from a template in a pre-configured environment that comes with git history, shareability, and cloud storage:

Unless it's a project where I'm specifically trying something out in a framework or I think it might grow enough to benefit from a framework's organization, I'll use vanilla JS with the built in features like document.querySelectorAll, element.classList.add, element.addEventListener etc.

Example: A one-off project I built recently on Glitch using vanilla JS and CSS.

tomekbuszewski profile image
Tomek Buszewski

Really quick, static? HTML and SCSS, maybe some vanilla JS. And gulp, to automate it. Really, easy to build, run and distribute.

If this has to be bigger, then you have to consider either a monolith (with backend and frontend served from one app) or service approach (with backend served by one or more apps and frontend from another).

But, the easiest way would be to use WordPress, I guess.

dillonheadley profile image
Dillon Headley

For one page it’s just index.html and plain css and js as needed. For multi-page static I use . Still plain css and js. I try not to add a build process (along with the dozens of dependencies) until absolutely needed.

I’m not often in the realm of sites more complex than that but if I had to pick I’d go with next.js since you can do both static and dynamic pages based on route. It’s react based which means lots of components available etc.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

leanferret profile image
Björn Biege • Edited

Actually im using plain HTML, CSS + PostCSS and Vanilla JS for onepagers.
For other Websites with a bit more pages i`m using gatsby.js with CSS modules and PostCSS