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Pacharapol Withayasakpunt
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Posted on

Need help regarding self-hosted WordPress (installing plugins, FTPS?, markdown editor, backup?)

So, I now again revisited self-hosted WordPress on DigitalOcean, but now I started from base Ubuntu image, not pre-installed droplet. This is in hope of installing multiple WordPress per Droplet.

# adduser $MYNAME and login as $MYNAME first

sudo apt install php7.4 mysql-server certbot python3-certbot-apache
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo ufw allow ssl
sudo ufw allow in "Apache"
sudo certbot --apache
sudo crontab -e
tar xzvf latest.tar.gz
sudo apt install php7.4-zip php7.4-mbstring php7.4-gd php7.4-curl php-imagick imagemagick php7.4-xml
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, I got my WordPress. However, some of the things are currently missing.

  • Installing plugins in the first place.

FTP needed

Yes, I did ufw allow ftp, ufw allow ftps; but it didn't work.

  • Plugin for Markdown editor, without having to connect to WordPress. (Do I have to avoid Jetpack and Akismet?)
  • How I do export posts, so that I am not locked in to WordPress?
    • Yes, I must be able to read and modify it without WordPress at all.

Top comments (3)

lwndwsk1 profile image
Frank Lewandowski • Edited

First i wanna Quote from my WordPress 101 "Stay secure, never ever use plugins!" :-)

The critical component of Wordpress, especially when it comes to security, are plugins from external developers. Keep that in mind, so less is more - also from a security point of view.

As a enthusiast, I would like to advise you to test your site with Google Insights. Wordpress themes in particular do not do so well without optimization. Read up on the topic.

There are really many topics to consider:

  • is a great place to go, read up on the optimization of your site.
  • DNS prefetch for external sites
  • Browser cache / server cache
  • Minify the JS / CSS
  • Lazy Load Images
  • gzip / brotli compression
  • Minimize the database queries => through a cache.

Since external plugins are essential, and must be used, I can recommend the following to you.

Developer / DevOps workflow

Performance is also a big issue. Use one of the cache plugins to generate static pages from your WordPress theme. I have used WP Super Cache successfully in several projects.

Optimize the Web Vitals, as they are also elemental for your Ranking in Search Engines.

Content workflow

You should install a plugin that will automatically compress your images.

SEO is also a big topic.

Security workflow

Secure your wp-admin so that only you can see the backend. During my installations only my IP address was on / wp-admin /wp-login.php. This is how you avoid brute force attacks on your backend.

You should also use 2FA.

If that is possible for your side, then I would block entire countries.

Test your Server! There are many tools e.g. wp-scan, nmap and so on. If you have ssh open, do not use a password Authentication. Use ssh keys instead.

To your question:
I have not tested the last versions of WordPress anymore, in the past there was the possibility that you could also write a post by email.

If you have further Questions.. Ask ;-)
Greetz Franky

P.S. Go with a JAMStack! It is way faster, way securer and you dont need weeks to figure out all the topics in cleaning up your WordPress Installation.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

My point is, I still want the database; albeit I prefer it read-only in production. I want to equipped with FTS, at very least.

Also, I want to simplify the workflow; not having to build it every time new post is published.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

Actually, I am getting an impression that classical CMS with a real database is expensive to manage.

Though, I see that a real database, but does not expose C-UD API endpoints are generally safe. (But, R-endpoints indeed had to be carefully chosen.)

Unless I want non-dev people to edit things, of course.