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Discussion on: Where Do You Host Your Websites?

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Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

Speed-focusing of websites, that maybe powered by APIs, I also prefer Netlify.

  • APIs can also be hosted on Netlify lambda
  • I do feel that Vercel maybe easier as well as reliable to host APIs, though.

Heroku is good to host most things, as long as it is stateless, not only static websites, but also including Docker. You might not like it when you go beyond free tier, though.

  • I chose Google Cloud Run to host Docker containers instead.
  • Ones with database may work with Heroku as well, if you can host the database outside, or use a plugin

I also have tried things like DigitalOcean Droplets, AWS EC2, and Google's variant

  • I feel that it is harder to make secure.
  • Maybe I have to learn more about Site Reliability Engineering concepts
  • Also, starting prices are more expensive than free. Starting from around 5 USD/mo. (i.e. 60 USD/y.)