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Discussion on: 5 things I struggled with when learning React with a Vue background

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I worked with Vue for several years (and still do on my spare time, utilizing latest features). And have to work with React for a year now.

Not sure how React development may be any faster.
Also, that hell of a mix of logic and template in JSX.
No out of box caching of components (no, keys don't keep you from re-render, even if props don't change).
No out of box reactivity. Vue tracks dependencies for you. React wants you to track dependencies yourself. This often leads to bugs.
I am forced to either extract styles to a separate file, which I hate to do, as I love to keep all the component's stuff in it's file, OR to use some you-name-it library, as React doesn't support it out of box.
At least, there's MobX to save us from Redux hell, where you need to fight a dragon to make it work with async/await, and it's boilerplate, low performance and GC overkill.

I will never-ever use React to start my own project. I prefer using tools with no boilerplate. Tools, that don't make me fight them or overload with tons of libs to make them work the intended way.

Vue definitely is the apple of my eye. Provide/inject, composition API, script setup, upcoming with RFC, but already utilizable $ref() and $computed(), Pinia. I never met better DX.

Honestly, I hate it when my company picks React for a project just because "there's more React than Vue developers out there". Of course there are! Because of such company decisions. It's inertial popularity of a more complex tool, that doesn't offer any real benefits (please correct me if I am wrong, I haven't yet met anything in React that Vue couldn't do with same or less effort). Please don't use popular tools. Use better tools and make them the popular ones!