DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
okolbay profile image

hiring dedicated QAs changes processes in the team to “I handed it over to qa” “qa should take a look” “qa found a bug” this draws a kind of boundary between developer and her code attributes, such as security, stability etc. Users found a bug on production - “oh its not MY fault, qa should have checked it!” Presence of a “quality” person lifts off responsibility of assuring quality by yourself. On the other hand, developer is the person who knows the best where to look for bug in the code, so why not invest into better culture and skill of “putting on qa hat”?
My best experience was in a team with no desicated QAs - fastest shipping to production, short loop, CI pipelines and almost CD - we still had a button to push, but it was more like a ritual or a leftover from previuos proceses )