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Discussion on: Traffic mirroring by NGINX mirror module

oivoodoo profile image
Alexandr K • Edited

Hi @cafecraft .

Are you sure that you have /usr/share/nginx/html/static/imagem.png file in v2.backend?

It's not mirroring the folder, it mirrors the traffic that's coming to v1 and run it for v2 as well. It means if you serve a static file in your case you should have these files for v1 and v2. in my example v1 and v2 are running as separate containers without sharing resources via volumes. if you want to share folders, you can do it by using volume:.


    - ./html:/usr/share/nginx/html

    - ./html:/usr/share/nginx/html
cafecraft profile image
cafecraft • Edited

Thanks for the answer, I think I understand ... I thought Nginx automatically mirrored static content as there was traffic, so I have to mirror the content of my v1 (backend) to v2 (mirror), the problem that static content v1 is in Zope / Plone which stores in ZODB database.

EDIT: I am downloading the content with HTTrack