DEV Community

Discussion on: It is ⌚time to ditch ReactJS or Angular and use better web standards like web components😍 part 1

oenonono profile image

There are many types of concerns. The separation of concerns along which HTML, CSS, and JS were designed are real. They reflect the persistent concerns of user interfaces across most projects: what is this information, how should it look, and how should it behave? And they served those concerns well when we were making simpler content oriented documents that weren't bursting at the seams with a single scope. What the platform has failed to give us is a way to separate by project specific concerns, business-centered concerns, suitable for increasingly complex applications. Frameworks concentrate on the latter and very few, perhaps none, have reached the same bar as the web platform for meeting the needs of diverse devices and empowering copywriters and designers to contribute. Web component features like Shadow DOM are critical in enabling business concern separation while also maintaining the web's unique value propositions for audiences wider than engineers.