DEV Community

Discussion on: Send Ember on a diet and thrive innovation

nullvoxpopuli profile image
NullVoxPopuli • Edited

without embroider, an octane app:

Built project successfully. Stored in "dist/".
File sizes:
 - dist\assets\auto-import-fastboot-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.js: 0 B
 - dist\assets\octane-app-ce547d91fdbeb1ed608d28fde680522d.js: 4.79 KB (1.4 KB gzipped)
 - dist\assets\octane-app-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css: 0 B
 - dist\assets\vendor-cb080f97ddf7f4d173b22f81be86eb28.js: 647.89 KB (164.71 KB gzipped)
 - dist\assets\vendor-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css: 0 B

164.71KB gzipped
(I agree that this is still large)

With embroider

$ ember build -prod
Environment: production
Built project successfully. Stored in "dist/".
File sizes:
 - dist/assets/chunk.23debe7eaa558bf9c016.js: 188.2 KB (43.08 KB gzipped)
 - dist/assets/chunk.ddf452a573e57637cd4b.js: 12.47 KB (3.07 KB gzipped)
 - dist/assets/octane-app.css: 0 B
 - dist/assets/vendor.js: 477.96 KB (125.92 KB gzipped)

Still large for an empty app, but an improvement!

tschoartschi profile image
tschoartschi • Edited

Thanks for the details about build sizes. This is exactly what I wanted to post as well but didn't have the time to. You were faster than me 😎 For us not only the gzip size is important especially for our e-commerce projects also the parse time of the JS is important. Many of the e-commerce businesses we work with heavyly rely on mobile traffic so it's even more important to ship less JS.