DEV Community

Discussion on: "Damn! Now I have to use Vim"

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Maxime Gaston

Hey Richard,

Nice beginners tutorial, I'm always glad when I see a Vim post 😉

Regarding recommending Vim with plugins as an IDE, I would say it depends.

I use Vim and a few plugins as an IDE, and would totally recommend it!
Although, I would not use it for everything.

The problem with vim mode/plugins/keymaps for any IDE is that it doesn't allow me to be completely free of using my mouse. And honestly, using hjkl to move and a few vim basic commands is mostly making it difficult for nothing IMO. If I have a graphical editor and ctl-F is available, why should I use / to search something?
So to me, it's the real Vim or nothing.

As a SRE (and not a dev), I spend most of my time in a terminal, runnning commands, writing scripts, ansible playbooks, kubernetes manifests...
Doing all that, I find it more productive for me to use Vim with plugins such as : YouCompleteMe, ansible-vim... and stay in my terminal.

But of course if I was working on a full website, desktop application... I would choose a full graphical IDE.

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Richard Lenkovits

Hi, thanks for the answer. Totally got your angle! I do both web development and DevOps, and I also spend a lot of time doing similar things, writing ansible playbooks bash/python/groovy scripts, configuring openstack, etc. If you spend much time in the terminal, vim is much more comfortable. It's fast and it's always around.