DEV Community

Discussion on: Mac or linux or windows for development work?

notsag profile image
Maxime Gaston

As a SRE, I'm most used to Linux (Fedora if you want to know everything) and MacOS since they are both UNIX operating systems and most of my work is done inside a teminal or a web-browser.

But as of today, I'll admit that it doesn't matter much which OS I'm using, I'll find all I need even on Windows since Microsoft decided to release WSL.

If I use it only for work,my preference would go for Linux because it's the OS I know best and I like to use as a playground.
But if it's a PC I'd use for other purposes it will depend:

  • If I need it for everyday use I'd choose a Mac because I really like the simplicity, the interface and the hardware
  • If I need to play the latest games I'd go for Windows (maybe until stadia begins, who knows?).
raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

The release of WSL has been a huge update for Microsoft. But the simplicity and performance of the mac, it's like butter smooth 😀. I would love to see those improvements on Linux too.

dhollinger profile image
David Hollinger III

The primary issue I've seen with WSL is that several corporate environments I've been in don't allow for the necessary features needed for WSL to be installed.

For me personally, It's Linux. I prefer the way Linux works, distros like Manjaro and Pop!_OS have made it much easier for general users to get into it (especially since Pop!_OS is maintained by an OEM). Additionally, with tools like Lutris, DXVK, D9VK, and Steam Play/Proton playing games on Linux is largely easier than Mac OS and covers a good 90ish% of my games.