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Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton

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Build static product pages with Gatsby and Commerce.js

The JAMstack is a popular trend growing in the developer ecosystem today. With more and more sites taking advantage of deploying to the CDN, atomic deployments and leveraging APIs with JavaScript, it's no secret that eCommerce has been left behind!

Recently I discovered Chec, an eCommerce API with a developer-first Commerce.js library that takes care of the heavy lifting for you.

Whether you're running a digital store or delivering physical products, Chec (and Commerce.js) give you all of the handy helpers to get you going!

One of the biggest trends with those adopting the JAMstack is generating static pages at build time. One of the areas that's been left behind, and partly due to the increased build times, is eCommerce!

With Chec, and a static site generator like Gatsby, we can generate product pages ahead of time!

If you're familiar with Gatsby, you'll already be in love with its plugin ecosystem and querying for pages with GraphQL.

Having recently discovered Chec, I wanted to create a static site to showcase products and use their hosted checkout (storefront) for customers to pay and checkout.

Chec Storefront

Using serverless functions, and webhooks, I can trigger all of the post checkout behaviour I want. This is what the JAMstack is all about, right?!

Chec didn't have an official source plugin, but one of their developers had a proof of concept in place. I decided to get to work and extend by submitting a pull request for categories, product and merchant nodes!

Installing gatsby-source-chec

It's super easy to get going with Gatsby + Chec.

Inside your Gatsby project, run the following:

npm install @chec/gatsby-source-chec
# or
yarn add @chec/gatsby-source-chec 
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Now, as you would configuring any Gatsby plugin, open gatsby-config.js and add the following to your plugins array.

  resolve: '@chec/gatsby-source-chec',
    options: {
      publicKey: 'CHEC_PUBLIC_KEY'
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⚠️ Replace CHEC_PUBLIC_KEY with your Public API key.

 What does this do?

When we install the plugin, it tells Gatsby to run the plugin, and the @chec/gatsby-source-chec has been designed to create nodes for products, category and your merchant account.

This is then added to the GraphQL schema Gatsby creates on build. We can use this to query pages!

Sourcing products with Gatsby

Gatsby exposes a createPages API we can hook into to create pages programmatically.

Using @chec/gatsby-source-chec let's go ahead by running a query to our Chec and for each of the products we get, use the createPage action to programmatically build a page!

exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions;

  const {
    data: { products },
  } = await graphql(`
      products: allChecProduct {
        nodes {

  products.nodes.forEach(({ id, permalink }) =>
      path: `/products/${permalink}`,
      component: require.resolve(`./src/templates/ProductPage.js`),
      context: {
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Creating static product pages with Gatsby

In the createPages API hook above, we said for each products node to createPage using the component ./src/templates/ProductPage.js...

Let's create that component!

// src/templates/ProductPage.js
import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';

export default function ProductPage({ data: { product } }) {
  return (

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query ProductPageQuery($id: String!) {
    product: checProduct(id: { eq: $id }) {
      price {
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 Creating a static product index page

While this is great for creating pages for each of our products, we need a way to show all products...

Gatsby to the rescue! 🚀

Since we have the nodes already, we can use GraphQL to query for allChecProduct.

For the sake of this tutorial, let's also query for our Chec store name!

Go ahead and create a new file at src/pages/index.js and add the following:

// src/pages/index.js
import React from 'react';
import { graphql, useStaticQuery, Link } from 'gatsby';

const pageQuery = graphql`
    merchant: checMerchant {
      name: business_name
    products: allChecProduct {
      nodes {
        price {

const IndexPage = () => {
  const { merchant, products } = useStaticQuery(pageQuery);

  return (


        { => (
          <li key={product.permalink}>
            <Link to={`/products/${product.permalink}`}>
              {}: {product.price.formatted_with_symbol}

export default IndexPage;
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Voila! We now have a working index page for our products.

Don't believe me? Run npm run develop or yarn develop to see it in action!

Build your own

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