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Alex Pareja
Alex Pareja

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My Journey Into Web Dev

I started in April by visiting FreeCodeCamp and got myself through all the Responsive Web Design modules. I had such a good time revisiting HTML and learning CSS that I decided to jump in head first and paid for a front end course on Udemy.

I consider myself lucky to be employed during the pandemic (I am not currently working in web dev). I was offered time off, and I used that time wisely to start learning.

Im about to dive into JavaScript. I’ve been down this road before and gave up in the past. Being armed with HTML + CSS knowledge, I feel like I can give this another round in the context of web development. You can say I am motivated by the amount of tools and resources available out there.

I plan on creating my landing page with what I know so far while going deeper into JS, as well as following my own progress by blogging here.

Im not great at blogging or even writing for that matter, but this journey is important to me.

I wish everyone health and happiness in your own journeys, see you in the comments 👍🏻

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