DEV Community

Discussion on: What was your first day at your first dev job like?

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Nicolò Rebughini

I guess you're never too old to become a Junior Dev. I've started my current position as a Ruby on Rails developer six months ago, when I was just shy of 32 years old.

I've studied Computer Science but for the following ten years I've worked in the video industry. After closing that chapter of my life, I got back in tech as a Linux Sysadmin (thanks to the plenty of Linux stuff present in the digital cinema world) but I knew I wanted to get a position as a developer, which I actually managed to get thanks to a remote first company that's making me grow as a Rails dev and all around as a human being.

The first day was the usual "get all the credentials needed and read the onboarding documentation" but it was also the moment I understood it was very real when I introduced myself to the client in the standup.

At the start there was a lot of impostor syndrome, and reviewing code written by people way more experienced than me felt daunting and I was constantly on the edge. Now that feeling is waning thanks to the supportive team and the small wins, but it's always lingering.