DEV Community

Discussion on: Quick Guide to Linting JavaScript Codebase with ESLint

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

ESLint is great. I think linters are a great tool to help keep a codebase maintainable.

I'm also a big fan of prettier. It's an opinionated code formatter, but I like how it removes a whole set of discussionss from a PR about code formatting. It also plays nice with eslint via eslint-config-prettier. You should check it out 😉

And if you're into linting/code formatting, another great set of tools are husky and lint-staged.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Hey, Thanks for recommending. I’ve tried Prettier and I like it too. Also check out husky and lint-staged.

nunojllemos profile image
Nuno Lemos

Thats a great linting stack :) I am trying it too.