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Discussion on: What's the biggest change in software that has affected your work the most? Answer for the chance to be heard on DevDiscuss!

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Navdeep Singh

JavaScript really become the star of all languages and it becomes really matured with ES6, ES7, ESNext, and with Nodejs you can use javaScript even in Backend development also. It makes it a superpower.

I started my career as a PHP developer, but with the trend of separation of concerns for the front end, the backend, and DevOps, the scenario really gets changed. Also, Front End Development doesn't limit to creating HTML and CSS markup from a PSD file. It has grown to Components based development.

For Components based development, we use Reactjs, Vuejs (the javascript libraries for front end development), and as they use their own template like JSX (which JS engine don't understand) and to make it understandable we use Babel and so on.. (Webpack) and developer with new skill set requirement raised.