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Mokadderul Islam
Mokadderul Islam

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A New Way to Learn Javascript's bacis

JavaScript is one of the most popular language in computer science industry . In this blog we will know about some basics of javascript .

  1. Data types: In javascript there is 8 kind of data types . Number , String , BigInt , Boolean , Undefined , Null , Symbol , Object are 8 types of data type .

  2. Variable: There is 3 keyword in javascript to declare Variable . Let and const are new keyword in ES6 . Var is a old keyword . If you use var or let that variable will be global and if you use const you can not use out side of function .

  3. Operator: There is 6 kind of operator in javascript. Operators are most important element of programming element. Arithmetic , Relational , Bitwise , Logical , Assignment , Special are the operators in this language .

  4. Methods: There is many methods what we have to use regularly . I am explaining one of many . Indexof() method is use for find out of the index of desire word or char. String , array , number all have some methods.

  5. Array: Collection of Data. It have [] sign . It is mainly an object . Array is highly used in everything . Array can be created with number , boolean , string etc . Even array have some methods.

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