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nagwan sami
nagwan sami

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Javascript var, let and const

I hate intros but we must have one 🤷

Before 2015 javascript developers used to use var as the keyword to declare variables, and life was easy, but not calm 😅

With using var to declare variables developers had to fight in many fields…

Redeclaration 🤦‍♀️
Believe it or not, with var you can use the same variable name as many times as you can without facing any errors, but you have to be ready for the unexpected results😬.

imagine the following:

function sayHi() {
    var name = "Our New User"
    var isLoggedIn = true

    if (isLoggedIn) {
        var name = "Sarah"
    console.log("Hi" + name) // Hi Sarah
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The first thing that comes to your mind now is, so what?!,
I redefine the variable, what the problem with that?!🤨 It is not a problem at all, as long as you know that is exactly what you want to do, not just that you forget that this variable has already declared before🧐.

The real problem with redeclaration comes with large apps, and once you forget that you have used the same variable name before.

DISCLAIMER✋: this won`t be a problem in case you have solid memory that helps you remember all the variables you have declared within a specific scope.

Scope 😵
The line above ends with the word SCOPE, before digging deeper, let`s first understand what scope is, think of scop as a box within which some functions and variables are accessible.

Chances are variables declared using var keyword are limitless, except if they are declared within a function.

This means if a variable is not inside a function it will be accessible in the whole app😨.

Now try to connect this point with the one before, redeclaration,
now developers have to remember all the variables they have declared in the global/function scope else they find themselves trapped with results they never expect.

Imagine the following…

function sayHi() {
    var name = "Our New User"
    var isLoggedIn = true
    if (isLoggedIn) {
        var name = "Sarah"
        console.log("Hi" + name) // Sarah
    console.log("Hi" + name) // Sarah
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The log inside the if block makes sense, as we are logging the variable defined within this block, but the log outside the if block is the one highlights the problem, it supposed to prints “Our New User” the value of the variable declared outside the if block, but what happens here is the variable name declared within the if block totally replaced the one declared outside the if block and here we have to mention hoisting.

Hoisting 😧
Hoisting is the process of lifting variables and functions declarations to the top of their scope.

Variables declared with the keyword var hoisted to the top of the global/function scope and initialized with the value undefined.

Connecting this with the previous point,

function sayHi() {
    var name = "Our New User"
    var isLoggedIn = true
    if (isLoggedIn) {
        var name = "Sarah"
        console.log("Hi" + name) // Sarah
    console.log("Hi" + name) // Sarah

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we now can find out what is happening here, the new variable declared within the if block is hoisted to the top of the function and of course replaced the original one, which justifies why the two console logs prints the same result.

Now as we went through the problems js developers spent a long time fighting with, now let`s move forward how ES2015 saved our day 😉.

Regarding redeclaration, variables declared using either let or const cannot be redeclared within the same scope.

Mentioning the scope, both let and const are block-scoped, a block of code is any set of code within {}, which means if a variable declared using either let or const within {} it won`t be accessible outside these {}, despite they are hoisted to the top of their scop, which is the {}.

Now let's check out our sayHi function...

function sayHi() {
    let name = "Our New User"
    var isLoggedIn = true // out of our scope
    if (isLoggedIn) {
        let name = "Sarah"
        console.log("Hi" + name) // Sarah
    console.log("Hi" + name) // Our New User
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Now it works as expected the new variable declared within the if block stays within the if block and it does not affect the one outside the if block

But now the question is, which one to use let or const 🤔?!
The answer is, whatever you want😇, just remember that variables declared with let can be updated while those created with const cannot.

thanks for reading, if you have any question or any topic you want me to write about I will be happy to help, and your comments and constructive notes are more than welcome ❤️

Top comments (31)

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu

const till you can't is my rule. Simple and works well for me :)

calvintwr profile image

A good starting thought, except you will run out of generic namespaces like key or name very soon 😂. So the thinking behind “should I const it?”, should be whether is it generic? If so, use let over const.

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu

my other convention is to never allow generic namespaces haha . My code is scattered with long descriptive variable names.

Thread Thread
calvintwr profile image
calvintwr • Edited

Actually so are mine. I tend to be a little verbose.

However, I'm quite drawn by Ryan Dahl's (guy behind Node and Deno) style.

So nowadays I'm a little bit of both.

The other trick I learnt is that your eyes can read text with missing characters in-between, as long as the start and the end characters remains the same. So you can start to shorten using this trick.

var nvrAllow, gnrcNmspaces

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami • Edited

i loved the rhythm 😃
a huge portion in the community agrees on the same,
but i believe in making it more flexible as for some use cases variables are made to be updated, and for newbies, I am not sure if it is easy to know when you cannot form the early start,
but after all, i totally agree

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu • Edited

I agree it's weird learning curve for newbies. I also enforce this convention with ESLint no-const-assign . This means that whenever I try to reassign a const, my linter will remind me to convert it to a let.

see the following -

Thread Thread
nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

i have not tried that before,
it looks handy,
thanks for sharing🙏

mohsenalyafei profile image
Mohsen Alyafei


ayahosnym profile image
Aya Hosny

Wow,that's amazing Nagwan, thanks a lot
I want to know more about npm,npx, yarn if you write about this it will be so nice

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

thanks for your feedback,
sure as soon as i can

moatasemebrahim profile image

Way to go Nagwan 🎉🎉
It's very useful as you have used some examples that we find in our daily work.

I think it will be great if you can give us a brief about the data types in javascript.

Hope the best for you and waiting you coming interesting articles

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami • Edited

thank u Moatasem for the feedback,
and for the data types article, i will as soon as i can

richytong profile image
Richard Tong

Great demonstration of var vs let/const. I remember getting asked in a couple interviews about the difference, I wish I could reproduce an example as clear as this one back then.

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami • Edited

chances never end😉,
just be ready for the next one💪

if want any topic to be discussed here u can suggest it

calvintwr profile image
calvintwr • Edited

And not forgetting the best that let has done is to solve nested looping:

for(let i=0; i<100; i++) { for(let i=0; i<500; I++) {}}

Where before you would need to be using i, j, k... until if you have complicated loops with conditionals, you won’t even know if it has conflicted.

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami • Edited

this is one of the most common interview questions,
thanks for mentioning that,
i wanted to add this section, but i wanted the article to be as concise as I could,
thank u

m7mdhendawy profile image
Mohammed Fathi

Good job 👍👍

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

thank you

loaideveloper profile image

Nice article and direct to the point,
If you write about closures I will be grateful
Keep it up

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

it is gonna be the next article,
thanks for your feedback

sirmohammedahmed profile image
Mohamed Ahmed


nagwan profile image
nagwan sami


mohsenalyafei profile image
Mohsen Alyafei

Nice article.

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

hope it helps,
thank u for the feedback

tefa profile image
Mohamed Atef

A simple and clear explanation, thank you for this article

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

thanks for the feedback

saiedarabyads profile image
Mohamed Saied

Great article Nagwan Keep it up
Very straight forward and got the point easily.
Focus on scoping part to elaborate the concept and the difference is brilliant

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

thanks, Saied, I am really grateful for your kind words 🥰

ahmedmahmoud profile image
Ahmed Mahmoud • Edited

Clear and detailed explanation, you make it like a story
Great! Keep going..

nagwan profile image
nagwan sami

thank you

marwanahmed profile image
Marwan Ahmed

great article