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5 Best JavaScript libraries 2022

Hey! Today I will tell you the best JavaScript libraries in 2022!

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jQuery is a classic JavaScript library that’s fast, light-weight, and feature-rich. It was built in 2006 by John Resig at BarCamp NYC. jQuery is free and open-source software with a license from MIT.

It makes things simpler for HTML document manipulation and traversal, animation, event handling, and Ajax.

According to W3Techs, 77.6% of all sites use jQuery (as of 23rd February 2021).


  • It has an easy-to-use, minimalistic API.
  • It uses CSS3 selectors in manipulating style properties and finding elements.
  • jQuery is lightweight, taking just 30 kb to gzip and minify, and supports an AMD module.
  • As its syntax is quite similar to that of CSS, it is easy for beginners to learn.
  • Extendable with plugins.
  • Versatility with an API that supports multiple browsers, including Chrome and Firefox.


React.js is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library. It was created in 2013 by Jordan Walke, who works at Facebook as a software engineer.

Now, it has the MIT license but was initially released under the Apache License 2.0. React was designed to make interactive UI creations painless.

Just design a simple view for individual states in your app. Next, it will render and update the right component efficiently upon data changes.


  • The React code comprises components or entities that need rendering to a specific element in DOM with the help of a React DOM library.
    • It uses a virtual DOM by creating an in-memory cache in a data structure, computing the difference, and updating the display DOM in the browser efficiently.
    • Due to this selective rendering, the app performance boosts while saving the developers’ efforts in recalculating the page layout, CSS styles, and full-page rendering.
    • It uses lifecycle methods like render and componentDidMount to allow code execution at specific points during an entity’s lifetime.
    • It supports JavaScript XML (JSX) that combines both JS and HTML. It helps in component rendering with nested elements, attributes, JS expressions, and conditional statements.

Animate On Scroll (AOS)

Animate On Scroll works great for single-page parallax websites. This JS library is fully open-source and helps you add decent animations on your pages that look sweet as you scroll down or up.

It makes your site design a joyful ride by helping you add fade effects, static anchor positions, and more to delight your users.


  • The library can detect element positions and add suitable classes while they show up in the viewport.
  • Apart from adding animations easily, it helps you change them on the viewport.
  • It works seamlessly on different devices, be it a cell phone, tablet, or computer,
  • As it is written in pure JavaScript, it has no dependencies.


Is your website or project related to the data analysis field?

Do you need to present lots of statistics?

Chart.js is an excellent JavaScript library to use.

Chart.js is a flexible and simple library for designers and developers who can add beautiful charts and graphs to their projects in no time. It is open-source and has an MIT license.


  • Elegant and simple to add basic charts and graphs.
    • Results in responsive web pages.
    • Lightweight to load and easy to learn and implement.
    • 8 different types of charts.
    • Great for beginners.
    • Animation capabilities to make pages more interactive.


The open-source JS library, fullPage.js, helps you create full-screen scrolling sites or one-page websites easily. It is simple to use and can also add a landscape slider inside your site sections.


  • Offers a wide range of customization and configuration options.
  • Supports JavaScript frameworks like react-fullpage, angular-fullpage, and vue-fullpage.
  • Enables both vertical and horizontal scrolling.
  • Responsive design that fits the screens of different sizes as well as multiple browsers.
  • Auto-scrolling on page loads.
  • Video/image lazy load.

Top comments (2)

riskezwn profile image

It scares me to see jQuery and 2022 in the same post

aktoriukas profile image

jQuery definatly should not be on this list...

But fullPage.js is exacly what i was looking for last Friday... Sadly have not found it on time and had to build my own variation of it.