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Discussion on: My roadmap in web 3

mukulrajpoot262610 profile image
Mukul Rajpoot

What will be the roadmap for developing a dapp like pinterest?

jesusantguerrero profile image
Jesus Guerrero

Roadmap or approach? Because that is an specific implementation.

My approach would be define the data is worth to have on chain. cause every write would on-chain require sign/GAS payment from user to add to the blockchain.

Setup a hardhat project to define your smart contract with solidity and test it.

Store the images and off-chain data on pinata or any other IPFS service.

and ethers.js with my favorite framework to interact with the smart contract.

Other option is Moralis, they offer servers, multiple chains support, db, and IPFS, etc there's a doubt I have with them about centralization/vendor-locking even though they are very accepted in the community and plan to be open source.

mukulrajpoot262610 profile image
Mukul Rajpoot

Thanks for replying, I am trying to learn these new tech.

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