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Discussion on: Tutorial: How to share code between iOS, Android & Web using React Native, react-native-web and monorepo

mschipperheyn profile image
Marc Schipperheyn

Number of issues here:
Changing jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index" to jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"packages/mobile/index" leads to resolution errors
Leaving it as it is, leads to @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault does not exist in the Haste module map. It looks like the packages/mobile/index reference is the way to go but that the react-native command uses packages/mobile as the ref location instead of the project root. From the root I tried two commands (RN 0.59):

mobile: start => ../../node_modules/.bin/react-native start --reset-cache
root: start => cd ./packages/mobile && yarn start
root: start => yarn workspace mobile start

In both cases, I get "Unable to resolve module ./packages/mobile/index from /Users/me/projects/rnw/packages/mobile/.
`Indeed, none of these files exist:

  • /Users/me/projects/rnw/packages/mobile/packages/mobile/index

Notice the duplicate packages/mobile reference

mschipperheyn profile image
Marc Schipperheyn

Ok, I identified the problem. The packages/mobile/metro.config.js is not processed. The projectRoot remains packages/mobile instead of ``

xoagop profile image
Anna Fröblom


I'm facing the same problem. Did you manage to solve why the metro.config.js wasn't processed?

Thread Thread
brunolemos profile image
Bruno Lemos

Current solution is to set --projectRoot ../../ at the package.json start script instead of metro.config.js, like it used to be before. Not sure if it's a bug or not.