DEV Community

Hacktoberfest 2019 - finished!

MrNaif2018 on October 09, 2019

I am very happy to finish this Hacktoberfest. It was my first one. Very exciting! Will definitely participate next year too! And now I know how to...
jrswab profile image
J. R. Swab

I just got all four of mine in and it's also my first year participating. I hope everything gets approved.

mrnaif2018 profile image

Of course they will! People love pull requests (:

jrswab profile image
J. R. Swab

hahah yeah! the maintainer is out with some physical issue though...

cheahengsoon profile image
Eng Soon Cheah

I also completed.
Last year as participant.
This year Participant and Organizer for local HacktoberFest.

mrnaif2018 profile image

I participate as a participant and as a maintainer. As a participant I have completed hacktoberfest, but as a maintainer I didn't get any PR's or issues at all yet 😔