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Michael Thornton
Michael Thornton

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Why I chose to be a Software Engineer

Growing up I watched the Internet become the amazing thing that it is today. Witnessed the evolution of the mobile telephone to what we all know and love as our cellphones. How my computer used to scream in robot language at me and my brothers to link it to the rest of the world only to get cut off by someone calling the house. I was always amazed at how this stuff could function and when I could, would try to understand it.

When I took the included picture I was at work, in the oil and gas industry. I was gone from my family more often than I was with them, the market was down and my company was going bankrupt. So I started thinking about what other careers I could peruse that I would be passionate about and be closer to my family. This brought me back to technology. And, when I started to research what kind of jobs were available I was delightfully surprised to find so many options.

The world has changed so much that our fridges could need a software engineer. That's the beauty of software is that plenty of non-tech companies were out there looking for people to implement some sort of tech into it. So now I had an idea of the what and started looking into what fields there were. Cyber security looked interesting, but I wanted something different. Then I started watching videos about the careers out there and software engineering was always interesting.

These people helped created so much of the stuff we use everyday and fix all sorts of things that go on in the background for tons of different companies. So I decided to follow my dream of understanding the innerworkings of the tech around me and pursue software engineering as a career.

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