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Discussion on: CerebralJS

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Mattias P Johansson

First of all, Cerebral is some interesting work, and I don't want to put interesting experimentation down. However, since you're not above putting Redux down, I figure that you wouldn't mind some critique.

All of Alexey's points are valid, but I'd like to make a few more.

It's important to note that Redux has quite a healthy ecosystem that we're throwing away if we're picking an alternative. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't, but if we're proposing alternatives, we need to propose ones that offers very significant improvements, not just incremental ones, and we also need to be well-educated in our critique.

First of all, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by point 1. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but there is no need to pre-define actions in Redux. It's often done due to convention because many people working considers it beneficial to have a little library/index of all the actions that are flying around, but action creators you define under "Actions" are not strictly necessary - I personally just dispatch the action directly. I.e.

dispatch({ type: 'INCREASE' })

instead of

I also feel that you've thrown out a lot of the testability benefits of Redux, which to me is the biggest benefit it brings. The "string magic" (magic is a bit of hypebole here in my opinion, but I digress) is what makes Redux so easy to unit test - everything being these simple objects that you can just assert. Often you can get away without using any mocking/stubbing at all, which makes your tests a lot less painful to deal with. The same thing goes for reducers - since they are just simple functions that take input and output, you can write very simple tests that don't require mocking or any kind of special libraries. The state.set/get is significantly harder to deal with in this context.

Verbosity is not a particularly compelling reason to pick tools in my experience. Writing new code is a very small part of the workload that involves writing an application, and it's a lot more important that the code is easy to reason about. I do not feel that Cerebral offers any improvements in this area - mapStateToProps might be a verbose mouthful, but it's a verbose mouthful that one can paste into google an immediately get a result. This is often the problem with tooling that tries to battle verbosity, it ends up sacrificing discoverability on the altar of terseness. Haskell does this mistake as well, it's absolutely positively ungoogleable. 

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Eli Yukelzon

Thank you for a detailed reply. I do understand your point, and btw, I plan to write about Cerebral's testability, it's actually one of it's strengths :)

From all my exposure to Redux-based projects I felt that the code that Redux inspires becomes very verbose. Maybe it's just me. And there is a reason why people keep writing action-helpers, thunks, sagas, etc and there is a whole wide eco-system around Redux - it's very hard to make something easy and readable JUST with it.

But again - I never claimed to be an expert in the field, just sharing my experience :)