DEV Community

Discussion on: Already know the interview code question? Don't admit it!

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

If the system were fair, then honesty would be the best approach. But the interview system at a lot of companies is kind of random. The idea that throwing a random algorithm question at you is some way indicative of your ability is wrong.

So, in my view, if the interview process is a silly game, then learn to play the game. This doesn't preclude you from learning how to code, but navigating the dumb questions are a prerequisite to working -- especially if you're targeting specific companies.

As I mentioned, I think for good interview questions it doesn't really matter much if the person has seen it before. And I think this is what you're saying as well.

_hs_ profile image

Of course. Companies tend to have silly "game" and what worries me is wanting to work for them. I had a lot of interviews were I did not have such questions but latest one I had with questions about design patterns and solid priciples was more of how would I explain it. On the other hand I disslike forcing patterns and some principels/architecture because others do it, so I'm glad I didn't get the job and accepted other opportunity.