DEV Community

Discussion on: How I Write Source Control Commit Messages

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

An issue tracker is an essential tool in development. You should be able to rely on its existence for as long as the history of the source code is relevant. Eventually tools are replaced, but so are commits relegated to history by then.

mouvedia profile image

…but so are commits relegated to history by then.

It seems that you are not using log and blame as much as I do.

colorcodedcode profile image
Robert Schaap

Sadly it happens. My last org went through a few kinds of issue trackers. Some of which had licences and would cost money to keep around, so they were ditched. Adding a reference can be super useful, but I feel the commit should speak for itself.

Anyways we ended up using gitlab's issue tracking features, which are quite nice as well.