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[Comment from a deleted post]
mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Unfortunately, understanding data is only one of the things charts need to solve. Often they also need to capture the reader to be interested in the data. They also have not scare off a reader for looking complex.

I don't doubt pie charts suck at conveying data correctly, for the reasons you've given, but they may be appealing to readers nonetheless. Formulating studies to account for such preferences and impressions can be annoyingly hard -- and equally trying to account for the results and make good reports. :(

simonhaisz profile image
simonhaisz • Edited

That's a fair point. I suppose I'm the viz equivalent of one of those health-food obsessed people who never eats dessert or junk food and trying to push that behavior on to everyone else 😃

I will amend my previous statement then. If you want to do any serious analysis of your data, do not use a pie chart. But if you want to throw in some pleasing empty-calories to your dashboard go ahead and add a pie chart. And it's OK to have a cheat-slide every now and again and just show a big ol' pie chart.