DEV Community

Discussion on: UI Layout: Natural versus dependent size

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Absolute sizes make sense for laying out things like icons, title bars, profile images, etc. These are things that have an expected size, and aren't expected to get bigger as the device gets bigger. A responsive display should handle other layouts, but as more space becomes available more content should be shown.

For example, you might have a chat bubble that shows a fixed size image (using points), but has a responsive size for the text content.

Or you may have a title bar with fixed icons on both sides, a fixed overall height, but the title text is centered in the remaining space. You wouldn't expect the icons to get bigger with larger screens, or for the title bar height to increase, only that the text remains centered.

johannesvollmer profile image
Johannes Vollmer

Absolute sizes may make sense for title bars, but do title bars make sense? :P