DEV Community

Discussion on: How to browse the web in the terminal - W3M (Instructional Video)

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Ben Sinclair

lynx came out 20 years earlier and is available in most distribution repositories. Links is a slightly newer option.

I use these occasionally when I want to quicky check whether something's working and I know my office IP address is likely to be confusing things one way or another (white/blacklists on clients' firewalls, that sort of thing). I'll ssh into a VPS and run a quick curl, but if I need to do anything more complex like logging in, I'll use lynx.

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Benjamin Kadel

Ahhh yeah i've heard about lynx in passing remarks, i need to have a good dive into it and have a look see if its for me :D :D
Yeh right its incredibly useful just to have one of these stripped down terminal browser options in your back pocket just incase!
Very cool thanks for you comment!