DEV Community

Discussion on: Leaving Twitter and Linkedin

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Ben Sinclair

What you say makes sense if you're focussed on your role as a developer and feel that your whole life is a part of that. developer hat discard anything that doesn't make me (look like) a better developer!

My LinkedIn profile is (mostly) a joke. I use Twitter (and more recently Mastodon) because it's entertaining. casual hat lol, it's a video of a cat doing default cat things!

I think where I agree with you is where people have trouble keeping these different hats on different hatstands. That's fine for a lot of reasons, like people having to put disclaimers in their bios saying "opinions are my own and do not reflect those of EvilCorp".

But for the rest of it, for people who don't have trouble differentiating, why not enjoy all the things?