DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 Reasons Why Dark Mode Matters

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

It provides the opportunity to present a unique user interface to the end-users of an application.

I don't think you're describing "dark mode" here; you're describing design in general.

desoga profile image
deji adesoga

Design is an ambiguous word and Dark Mode happens to fall under it. So we can say Dark Mode provides the opportunity to present end-users with a unique form of design.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I think that's the bit I'm getting at - "dark mode" isn't unique in any way. It's a subset of themes or skins. There have been light-on-dark themes since people first made interfaces with colour, and they encompass all sorts of things like high- or low-contrast, large text, simplified buttons, even shades reactive to ambient conditions.
Either every combination is a unique opportunity or they're all part of the same school.