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Discussion on: Removing duplicates in an Array of Objects in JS with Sets

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Jonas Winzen

Interesting challenge. So I've three very similar solutions. They are all based on the same principle of reducing the array into a key-value structure and re-creating the array from the values only.

Approach 1: Classical Reducer

(reducer maintains immutability)

 * classic reducer
const uniqByProp = prop => arr =>
      (acc, item) =>
        item && item[prop]
          ? { ...acc, [item[prop]]: item } // just include items with the prop
          : acc,

// usage:

const uniqueById = uniqByProp("id");

const unifiedArray = uniqueById(arrayWithDuplicates);

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Depending on your array size, this approach might easily become a bottleneck in your app. More performant is to mutate your accumulator object directly in the reducer.

Approach 2: Reducer with object-mutation

 * using object mutation
const uniqByProp = prop => arr =>
      (acc, item) => (
        item && item[prop] && (acc[item[prop]] = item), acc
      ), // using object mutation (faster)

// usage (same as above):

const uniqueById = uniqByProp("id");

const unifiedArray = uniqueById(arrayWithDuplicates);

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The larger your input array, the more performance gain you'll have from the second approach. In my benchmark (for an input array of length 500 - with a duplicate element probability of 0.5), the second approach is ~440 x as fast as the first approach.

Approach 3: Using ES6 Map

My favorite approach uses a map, instead of an object to accumulate the elements. This has the advantage of preserving the ordering of the original array:

 * using ES6 Map
const uniqByProp_map = prop => arr =>
        (acc, item) => (
          item && item[prop] && acc.set(item[prop], item),
        ), // using map (preserves ordering)
        new Map()

// usage (still the same):

const uniqueById = uniqByProp("id");

const unifiedArray = uniqueById(arrayWithDuplicates);

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Using the the same benchmark conditions as above, this approach is ~2 x as fast as the second approach and ~900 x as fast as the first approach.


Even if all three approaches are looking quite similar, they have surprisingly different performance footprints.

You'll find the benchmarks I used here: