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Discussion on: Why's there so much hype around React.js?

milkstarz profile image
malik • Edited

It really doesn't matter which framework people choose, all of them are a means to an end.

Each tool was made in response to a perceived problem that a developer saw, and developed a community around the solution to the problem.

Which ever tool people can relate to more, people will migrate towards.

Angular/TypeScript is great for people who come from more classical languages like Java.

Ember has tons of documentation on how to integrate with Ruby, so there's tons of developers based in Ruby there.

React is for people who value being "cutting-edge" and prefer simple libraries over full-featured frameworks.

Why the React Hype?

In regards to React, I feel like its the most popular for two reasons:

Reason 1: New Developers!

There's a new generation of developers that are coming into the market, and people have a tendency to follow trends and the job market, which is okay!

From teaching other people, I've seen people become attracted to React because of the idea that it's a view library rather than a full-featured framework like Angular or Ember. (which are super opinionated by the way)

Since React also has all the gotchas of JavaScript, a lot of people become more proficient JavaScript developers as a result of using React.

(obviously people are using create-react-app to hide the complexity of the dev tooling)

Reason 2: The Development Experience is Amazing

But a big part of this ecosystem for example tries to solve problems that only exist because of React.

I'd argue that the problems that people are trying to solve are in regards to specific use cases, and dev environment tooling.

Web development has never been easier once you have your environment set up in React, and at least I know personally I don't want to go back to the way it was before.

It also has a ton of documentation, a huge well known team supporting it, with new features making it better every day. What else could you want as a web developer?

At The End of the Day

It's all your choice, and that makes it all the better.

reshadman profile image
Reza Shadman • Edited

Web development has never been more complex than today. But developing Javascript UI apps is far easier today. Not every web application needs reactivity at entire level. No code is simpler than no code at all.

The reality is people think of React as a silver bullet: The right way to think about UI development.

The concepts used and encouraged by React community is not new, they had been existing since decades ago but the marketing effort put on it by Facebook made it what it is today. The effect compounded when the entire enterprise industry found a new way to address its strategical problems like dealing with large team size. Then compounded again when consultants/architects/freelancers and at some level corporate developers found a new field to charge customers for what they didn’t need at first place, likely.

React is great as a library and as a piece of code and as a community but there are dynamics around it like what I described.

The same applies to some other trends in software development industry. Microservices for instance. Like any other industry in the wolrd consumers of products are directed by the marketing decisions of suppliers. This is not bad by nature but it has some side effects like standardizing methods in which it may lead to higher cost of software development and low quality products