DEV Community

Discussion on: What's hard about React Hooks for you?

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Miguel Angel Velazco

I hate how useEffect works.

I'd prefer having lifecycle back.

My main reason?

Is a hook that has many concerns. I prefer to think of functions as things that does only one thing right and nothing else.

I've tried a PoC for the project I'm working on and useEffect had very tricky behaviors at first.

Just think a bit about it:

If you want to do something on every render:


If you want to trigger something based on change of only one variable:

useEffect(<function>, [variableToWatch])

If you want to trigger on mount:

useEffect(<function>, [])

If you want to trigger something on unmount:

  () => {
    return  () => {

      // Some cleanup code here
}, []);

And what about cleanup functions?

Do you think they behave the same on all the cases?

Oh, my dear friend let me tell you that you're totally wrong.

As I said before, this works on component unmount:

  () => {
    return  () => {

      // Some cleanup code here
}, []);

And being honest I don't know when/why is the cleanup function is called here:

  () => {
    return  () => {

      // Some cleanup code here

That's my two cents about it.