DEV Community

Discussion on: License, what did I just do to my software?

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Mike Talbot ⭐

I believe pretty strongly in MIT licensing; I use libraries all the time that would be impossible to consider under any kind of restrictive non-commercial or copyleft provision.

I pretty much always release software as MIT or closed source proprietary.

If there's a chance I can make something available to the community, then I am super happy if someone uses that to help them make a living, they can do what they like with it. My Unity libraries ended up in thousands of projects, and that makes me glad to have given back something in exchange for the benefits I've had from open source. If it's the core IP of my work projects, then it won't be going public, but anything on the periphery is up for grabs.

That said, it makes total sense for full platforms like Forem to be licensed AGPL for the very compelling reasons Ben mentioned.

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Mike Talbot ⭐

That said, my head of legal had a bit of a wobble when I pointed out we had included modules using the but hey ho.