DEV Community

Discussion on: Here is why you should not be too quick at judging people by their GitHub activity stats

miguelmj profile image

This is very interesting 🤔
In my opinion, the activity graph is only a indicator of the interest of a person in GitHub, not about the quality of his/her contributions. When I want to see if someone makes interesting contributions I usually navigate through the repos. I think that's what a recruiter would do too.
However, this is a fantastic demonstration!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Thank you 🙏
Absolutely! This should be the way to go and I hope that more and more people are actually doing it. Though it could be tricky as your contributions could be private and still show in your activity graph.

rileytomasek profile image
Riley Tomasek • Edited

A good recruiter would, but there are many recruiters who have only a super basic understanding of GitHub, or how software in general works.

The repos that you have pinned are probably the most important part of your profile from a hiring perspective.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Very good point!

miguelmj profile image

That makes sense, I hadn't thought of it!

eltaiguer profile image
Jose Gazzano

And also it doesn't really tell you much, I've been working as a part-time developer between 2012-2016 and full time since then, if you check my graph you would see a rather sparse graph.

Does that mean I'm not coding enough? Or that I just do fewer commits for each feature?

One developer that has tons of small commits on a PR against one that squashes them, how would they match against?