DEV Community

Discussion on: How can we stop age discrimination in tech?

michaeltd profile image

That may be so but don't get me wrong, I'm nothing but naive, neither in a vain attempt to "grow roots" in an environment that needs something I simply don't have, neither to "trick" or "scam" my place in the workforce. I'm simply holding back on info that given the circumstances are just plain misleading and the "age" issue will be set straight right from the interview.

The positions that I'm applying for, are nothing less than perfect matches for my skill set and experience, the companies I'm applying for are the companies you'd typically consider "part of the solution" and not "part of the problem". I wouldn't apply otherwise.

So if a company decides not to have me regardless, just for a number witch I have no means of altering or influencing, that's their prerogative. All I have to do is make them listen, it wouldn't be much of a discussion otherwise.

Witch ever the case may be, I'll always have freelancing.