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My Journey into Go

Mike on February 22, 2018

I've always admired Go, it's a simplistic language, and I finally decided to give it a try. After numerous failures to understand how Go actually w...
matteojoliveau profile image
Matteo Joliveau

It is more idiomatic in Go to have the package name act as the domain/namespace indicator.
I noticed your functions all begin with "auth". It would be correct to put auth_service.go in a package called auth, so your functions actually become auth.CheckPassword(), auth.Login() etc. (Notice the capital letter on the function names. In Go, a function with a capital is public, otherwise it is package-private).

inkeliz profile image
Inkeliz • Edited

I think you can use an more secure password derivation, the Argon2, which was the winner of PHC

The Golang has the Argon2i and Argon2id "natively" under "", If you need to use the Argon2d, for some reason, you can modify the API too.

iridakos profile image
Lazarus Lazaridis

Nice post!