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Discussion on: What part of your first dev job were you least prepared for?

michaelgv profile image

Political nonsense by far is the worst I had to experience - the code, people, etc were great - the political way of "well we need N managers approval, and X Y Z ... which ABC will never approve unless we DEF GHI ...." - taking something we could do in a few hours with full e2e testing, into a three week project of asking management and getting declined numerous, over the simple reason they're "very busy and don't have time to review properly"

The upside though is that it really teaches you how to word your point very shortly, we quickly learned how to take a proposal and shorten it to a few keywords, and some essentially ipsum text, see the example below:

Proposal: In order to help our marketing team get more leads, we need to redesign the call to action system, it needs to be bold, pop, and it needs to work universally on our platform - every page, in-app, and the user should be able to reach it without clicking more than one button/link. As a result of us losing leads, we're losing a possible revenue of $NNNN/month per customer, assuming we can generate only 30% more leads, and convert 15% to customers, that'll bring our running income up from $nnn,nnn per month to ($nnn,#{FACTOR}|$n#{FACTOR}n,#{FACTOR}nn)

Summary of proposal: We're losing a lot of potential money, we need a better onboarding to make us more money.

jrtibbetts profile image
Jason R Tibbetts

This is going to sound bad, but coming right out of liberal arts academia, I was genuinely shocked at how the business world values bullet-points and slideshows more than well-written, in-depth explanations.

donita profile image

This is interesting to know. I didn’t come from a solely liberal arts background but I like well-written, in depth explanations

mathur_anurag profile image
Anurag Mathur 

Vouch for this. The executive summary, as these bullet points are called, precede all explanation and many-a-times, substitute the explanation.