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Discussion on: Stop Using JavaScript Classes!

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Carlos Fuentes

Hey! Nice work with the Article, but I think the code focus way to much on high level implications rather than low-level ones. Meaning the implications of using Classes and how they really relate with JS prior ES6.
Overall, Classes came to allow more people easily start using the concept of Object without fully needing to understand/learn Prototype Oriented Programming which is what JS implements under the hood. Along with that, Classes does pretty more couple of things that easies the need for dealing with this and for instances Classes and Instances as well.

The Article quite implies that modules are better than Classes which is not the case, and they shouldn’t be compared as are totally different things. A more real comparison is to construct Objects out of Functions and export them, or use Prototype for attaching methods and more.

Again, will be better to compare it to other things instead of directly against modules :)

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Johnny Araujo

Hi Charlie, thanks for reading! That focus was intentional because users such as yourself have a better low level grasp and aren't as quick to use these patterns. In my honest opinion if you know what you're doing, you can do whatever want, but many people have limited exposure and tend to run with whatever they've seen.

Regarding classes vs functions with methods, that's exactly how JS classes work under the hood so it wasn't an alternative I was interested in exploring. Good point though!

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Carlos Fuentes

Hi Johnny :)

Sure you’re right on your first point, for new adopters it can be easy pick this approach mostly if your coming from a OOP language background like Java or C# (which are the most common), and I also do agree that as long as you’re confortable with what you’re doing it, should not be a problem at all :)

Sure! I felt it like more natural to compare as even that the JS Modules kinda can work like this, sometimes new adopters can confused them with what the Classes are really trying to achieve in JS. Thanks a lot for the feedback! Keep it going 🙌