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Cover image for .Net Core E-Commerece Microservices with using CQRS and Vertical Slice Architecture
Mehdi Hadeli
Mehdi Hadeli

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.Net Core E-Commerece Microservices with using CQRS and Vertical Slice Architecture

Hi everyone,
I want to share my E-commerce microservices here that I've created some times ago and sill is in progress for adding some new features. In this project is a practical ecommerce sample, built with .Net Core and different software architecture and technologies like Microservices Architecture, Vertical Slice Architecture, CQRS Pattern, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Event Driven Architecture. For communication between independent services, we use asynchronous messaging with using RabbitMQ on top of MassTransit library, and sometimes we use synchronous communication for real-time communications with using REST and gRPC calls.

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You can check it out here:

I will be happy if You have any suggestions or feedbacks or If you like you can contribute and send a pull request for me :)


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