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Md. Mazharul Islam Sifath
Md. Mazharul Islam Sifath

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React.js several impotant concepts

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

React.js has several impotant concepts that make it a powerful tool for developing web applications.

Some of impotant concepts include:


  1. Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual DOM to update the actual DOM, which makes updates to the user interface more efficient and fast.

  2. JSX: React uses JSX, a syntax for JavaScript, to define UI components. JSX allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, making it easier to build and maintain complex user interfaces.

  3. Components: React is built around components, which are small, reusable UI elements. Components can receive data as props and manage their own state.

  4. React Hooks: React Hooks are a new feature in React that allow developers to add to functional components. Example:

    states useState(),
    Side effects useEffects(),
    referrence of element useRef(),

  5. Context API: React's Context API provides a way to share data and logic between components without passing props down manually through the component tree. We don't need to props drilling. Example:

    createContext() -> Create the context
    Context.Provider -> Context provider
    useContext() -> Use the context

  6. Server-Side Rendering: React can be rendered on the server (SSR) to improve the initial load performance of web applications.

  7. Higher-Order Components: React allows developers to create Higher-Order Components (HOC), which are components that wrap other components and add additional functionality.

👉️ These are some of the concepts that make React a

popular and powerful tool for building user interfaces. Understanding these concepts is essential for developing complex and efficient web applications with React.

Please let me know, where is my mistakes.

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