DEV Community

I built a custom CMS because why not

Matteo Joliveau on August 13, 2018

My personal website was a static site generated with Hugo, and it worked very well. It was fast to serve, lightweight and the Elate theme I used wa...
dbelyaeff profile image
Dmitriy Belyaev

Well done! Nice job.

callmeareks profile image
Alejandro González

I think we all have been through the phase of building our own cms/blog :) Although it's a very good exercise be careful to not get used to reinventing wheels because that's definitely a mistake we all have made at one point in our careers.

Nevertheless, have fun developing your cms!

amit_savani profile image
Amit Patel


We just release a website backed by vanilla rails based custom CMS built for South-East Asia's larges bank using Rails 6.0.0 rc1.