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Josephat Macharia
Josephat Macharia

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When To Use NoSQL Document Databases: MongoDB, CouchDB

Why NoSQL Databases Were Invented

  • When traditional databases were introduced they were able to handle the size by running on bigger machines
  • NoSQL means that the database does not employ tables, rows and columns for data organization
  • Relational databases could horizontally scale which means being able to copy their data to other machines so reads could be distributed.
  • There was no easy way to distribute writes
  • To fix this problem, leading technological companies introduced new databases referred to as NoSQL.
  • Therefore NoSQL databases were designed to scale large datasets horizontally which means scaling large datasets was the primary motivator to create NoSQL databases.

Types Of NoSQL Databases

  1. Key/value
  2. Graph databases
  3. Column-oriented
  4. Document-oriented

Industry examples of Document Databases

  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB
  • Cosmos DB
  • CrateDB
  • Couchbase Server

What Is A Document

  • A way to organize and store data as a set of field value pairs.

Features Of Document databases

  • Relationships are obvious using embedded arrays and documents.

  • The biggest benefit to developers of using a document-oriented database is that developers use structure like maps, hashes, dictionaries, and JSON objects.

  • The document model use a similar structure resulting in the representation that is easier and more natural, as it is the same in the code and the application.

  • This means there is no complex mapping between your applications data object and the database.

  • Today, we know that modern data sets can grow to be huge, that data is polymorphic by nature, and that our modern applications have to be resilient and always up.

  • NoSQL databases, and in particular a document-oriented database like MongoDB, are a more natural way to work with modern data.

Why Use Document Databases

  • Applications that take records that are fairly complex and need to access those records in a fairly complex way
  • Allows one to have a lot of records with a lot of engineering
  • Allows you to have different categories of data and access them the same way
  • For rapid application development
  • When you need a flexible schema

When To Use Document Databases

  • When the schema is easily changeable.
  • When you want to scale (especially horizontal): they are built for scale since their horizontal partitioning is inbuilt since they expect a lot of scale.
  • When you require simplicity e.g fewer tables, fewer relationships
  • When you want to aggregate data since they are built for aggregation

When Not To Use Document Databases

  • When you require to make a lot of updates since consistency is not guaranteed, the data may not be consistent (two nodes might have different data for the same ID)
  • They are not read optimized since they read each block and filter out the rows
  • They do not have implicit information of relations in data, therefore joins are hard if you have more than one table.

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