DEV Community

Discussion on: The Future of the Terminal

marvinkweyu profile image

@raguay Having not had the experience with fish, I'd say I'm still knocking on its doors.
From the looks of it, it seems you've been at it for a while? A small heads up about it perhaps?

raguay profile image
Richard Guay

Really, I haven't used it in a year due to it's incompatibility with nvm for nodejs and venv for python3. But, it works good with all Ruby environment managers. It is fully customizable in a web browser which is easier to use then trying to figure out the right environment variables to set in the correct file (.zshenv or .zshrc).

When I used it, I couldn't get it to work well with Alfred, so I never installed it as my shell, but configured iTerm to launch it. I was actually thinking of giving it another try since it's recently had a major update.

raguay profile image
Richard Guay

Okay, I just switched to it and really love it. It is much faster. It also now has a utility you add on call ohmyfish, which does similar activities as oh-my-zsh, but with a very convenient cli utility as well. Also, use the ohmyfish utility to load the bass extension which helps with using bash/zsh files. The scripting language is much more powerful and easier to use. I would highly recommend it!