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Discussion on: The Great Redux Toolkit Debate

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Mark Erikson • Edited

Hmm. Yeah, I left out the store setup piece, but that's trivial:

import postsReducer from '../features/posts/postsSlice'
import usersReducer from '../features/users/usersSlice'
import notificationsReducer from '../features/notifications/notificationsSlice'
import { apiSlice } from '../features/api/apiSlice'

export default configureStore({
  reducer: {
    posts: postsReducer,
    users: usersReducer,
    notifications: notificationsReducer,
    [apiSlice.reducerPath]: apiSlice.reducer
  middleware: getDefaultMiddleware =>
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It's really only two lines: adding the slice reducer, and adding the middleware.

I'm curious, what about that aspect feels "intimidating"? I would think that the middleware setup in particular is less confusing than having to use applyMiddleware + compose with vanilla Redux.

And yes, a reducer function is just a function, and you can absolutely use reducers from createReducer/createSlice with React's useReducer hook. I've done it frequently, including in apps that weren't using a Redux store at all, because I wanted to write some complex reducers with good TS typing.