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Discussion on: Getting started with state management using Redux Toolkit

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

The current "Basic/Advanced" tutorial sequence tries to teach Redux "from the bottom up", ie, here's all the concepts, here's how everything works, here's how to do everything "by hand". We still need to have that kind of a tutorial so that people understand what's actually going on inside.

My plan is to have both the "Quick Start" tutorial as the main way to get going, and an updated version of the "Basic/Advanced" sequence that teaches how it all works. The updated bottom-up sequence will remove outdated references and terms (like "If you've ever written a Flux app, you'll feel right at home"), show simpler patterns (inlined action types with a naming convention like {type: "todos/todoAdded"} instead of const ADD_TODO = "ADD_TODO", putting logic for a feature in a single file instead of splitting across multiple files), and probably redo the example apps. Then, at the end of that sequence, we'll point out that RTK does all this work for you already and you should use RTK instead of doing it all by hand.

You can see my plans for reworking the docs overall in .

And thanks! I did write the Style Guide page several months ago, and I've gotten a lot of very positive feedback that it's helpful.

(Also, this is taking me a really long time because right now I'm the only one putting any effort into this rewrite, and I'd really love to have some more folks helping me out! :) )

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emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

(Also, this is taking me a really long time because right now I'm the only one putting any effort into this rewrite, and I'd really love to have some more folks helping me out! :) )

I'd love to help out somewhere - I've only had real-world experience with old Redux (no hooks or RTK) so my knowledge may be a little bit outdated though. Is there somewhere specific I can start helping?

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markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

Yeah, I'd appreciate it!

That "Overview" issue lists all the stuff I want to do for the docs, overall, and links to a prior issue where I laid out why I was wanting to make these changes.

Basically anything in that list is stuff I'd like help with. For example, the "Usage with Immutable.js" recipes page needs to go away, because we now specifically advise against using Immutable.js. There's a lot of pages that need to be shuffled around, FAQ entries ought to be updated to try to match the recommendations in the Style Guide, new "real world usage" sections need to be written, etc, etc.

Feel free to comment in and we can figure out what would be a good place to start.