DEV Community

Discussion on: TOP Motivation killers to avoid 💀

manikdixit profile image

Even though I've just completed my graduation in Computer Science Engineering and learning Web Development right now , I still agree with everything mentioned here .
I compare myself a lot with other people and it's very overwhelming. Sometimes I feel that all this effort I'm putting in is of no use , I'll never be a pro because others are already so good at it .
I have improper sleeping patterns because I just stay up and keep studying or overthink if I'll gt there
Also the social media thing, it's a big time waste on top of that it makes me anxious, idk why but it does.
Maybe it's time to act upon these motivation killers
I'm glad you wrote this :')

alexandrudanpop profile image
Alexandru-Dan Pop

Glad to hear you want to take action! Cheers to that!