DEV Community

Maheen Malik
Maheen Malik

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[Free] tailwind css components

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Tailwind css has taken the developer community by storm since its introduction almost two years ago. With its simple syntax and shared class names, it has become a favorite for front-end developers. We at TUK want to help the community even more by releasing 50 completely free tailwind css components (200+ coming soon) and one template. Here is the link: check it out.

Well, our developer team has worked day and night to ensure the tailwind css components have cross-browser compatibility and responsive design. They have also been thoroughly tested to ensure that you do not have any problems implementing your dream front end.

The components are an excellent opportunity for new tailwind css adapters to design an amazing front end without spending countless hours designing every component from scratch. Our free template will also allow the designer to visualize a complete extraordinary front end while exploring in-depth on how to achieve it by looking at the code. Furthermore, the components are also of great help to experienced developers because as the demand for websites increases more and more clients want a unique design for their websites.

Thus, these components ensure a developer does not have to worry about designing components such as buttons, sidebars and can instead focus freely on the aesthetic and unique features of the website with the mental peace that he has amazing standard components that can be modified easily to suit the needs of each individual project. This also allows the designer to reuse the components in future projects saving him time and cost.

Our belief here at TUK is to make the internet more accessible for everyone. Therefore, all our components are accessible for disabled persons. This is especially important given a recent study by an accessibility software company Deque found that 70% of websites, from business to e-commerce to government sites had significant accessibility issues resulting in a loss of $6.9 billion. Given there are a billion people worldwide with temporary or permanent disabilities this is a huge issue. Thus, by using our components developers ensure they fulfill their moral responsibility of making websites more accessible while also helping their clients capture a larger market share without any extra effort.
What are you waiting for? check out the free components here.

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